-John Dewey
Children who are ready to learn have strong social-emotional skills and positive attitudes toward learning. National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families identifies seven social-emotional characteristics that are essential for school readiness: confidence, curiosity, intentionality, self-control, relatedness, capacity to communicate, and cooperativeness. Our program helps each child build strong foundation for learning through building relationships, promoting self-regulation, guiding children’s learning, and assessment/partnership with families. Our preschooler will learn the following area contents:
Literacy – literacy as a source of enjoyment, vocabulary and language, phonological awareness, knowledge of print, letters and words, comprehension, books and other texts.
Mathematics – number and operations, geometry and spatial sense, measurement, patterns, and data analysis.
Science – physical properties of objects and materials, characteristics of living things, and Earth’s environment.
Social Studies – people and how they live, change related to people and places, and simple geography.
Arts – visual arts, music, dance and movement, and drama.
Technology – tools and their basic operations and uses.
Process Skills – observing and exploring, problem solving, connecting, organizing, communicating, and representing information.
Integrating Learning Through Studies – children are engaged in exploring science and social studies by applying skills in order to answer questions that interest them.
Our preschool environment is set up with the following 11 ‘Interest Areas ’that facilitate the learning of the content areas.
- Blocks
- Dramatic Play
- Toys and Games
- Art
- Library
- Discovery
- Sand and Water
- Music and Movement
- Cooking
- Computers
- Gross Motor